Music Endpoints

HTTP Routing Table


GET /api/v1/music/min/albums

Returns a list of all albums (minimal versions).

GET /api/v1/music/min/albums/(int: page)

Returns a paginated list of albums. (10 per page, minimal) Page 0 is the first page.

GET /api/v1/music/album/(int: album_id)

Returns the album with the given id.

GET /api/v1/music/filters

Returns a list of all filters.

GET /api/v1/music/filter

Returns a list of all songs with their associated albums and/or albums with their associated songs that match the given filter(s). Filters are provided using URL parameters. Multiple filters of the same type are ANDed and should be separated by ~ in the URL.

Use key search to search for a song name or album name.

Example: /api/v1/music/filter?character=special-week~silence-suzuka&song=umapyoi-densetsu